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daystripe || mother || "i miss her a lot... but i bet she's off doing warrior things!!" 

??? || father || "i never met him, and mama never talked about him..."

rainkit || brother || "i don't really know where he went..."
ploverkit || sister || "she disappeared too..."
myrtlekit || sibling || "i think they went missing..."
sunnykit || sibling || "maybe they're with mama? i'm not sure."

skystar || leader || "he seems stressed out all the time. i want to try to make his days a little easier!"
snowleap || deputy || "i love talking with him! he always makes me feel smart and appreciated."

snakeheart || medicine cat || "a little snappy - but i really like him!"

reedpaw || medicine cat apprentice || "i don't know her too well, but i bet she's great!"

wormbite || friend || "i love him so much! he helped me during my ceremony!"

lynxfall || former mentor || "he makes me feel capable and smart - i love him!"

moonfrost || friend || "she is really nice and comforting!"

bluebellcrackle || friend || "she helped me stand up for pebblecreek!"

sparrowflight || thunderclan deputy || "she seems nice but i wish she didn't blame mr. snowleap."
fallownose || windclan deputy || "i'm sure he's great, but he doesn't seem to like mr. snowleap either."

laurelpaw || acquaintance || "i'm not sure what i did to her..."

sprouts by Adorelee on DA.png
another vine divider by Moonlight-pendant13 on DA.png
another vine divider by Moonlight-pendant13 on DA.png
another vine divider by Moonlight-pendant13 on DA.png
another vine divider by Moonlight-pendant13 on DA.png
another vine divider by Moonlight-pendant13 on DA.png
another vine divider by Moonlight-pendant13 on DA.png
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